Q&A with Don Kisky

1. How many arrows do you typically shoot a day during the off season? Is there anything in particular that you do to simulate a real hunting situation when practicing?
During the off season I don't shoot more then 20 arrows and the first 3 are the most crucial. the reason being your first shots will be the very best representation of where you will hit when shooting for real. I try to tell myself the same thing as if I was hunting I have Kandi act like she's filming and I work hard to settle my pin down and make a good release.
2. Do you practice at extreme ranges such as 100 yards to hone your skills?
I stretch my shooting to 80 yds.
3. Please give readers a few tips that will help them increase their archery skills.
The tip I would give is you have to understand you might be able to do tennis ball size groups at 80yds but when there is a Boone n Crockett buck in front of you and your heart and mind are going in overdrive. you have to figure out how to make a great shot when this happens. So put your shot in that context when practicing.
4. Do you still get buck fever? What do you do to overcome it?
Yes, every time I know I'm gonna shoot a buck my heart is racing. I wouldn't call it buck fever just excitement, which is why I still love to do it.
5. Do you always use mechanical broadheads when hunting whitetails? Do you practice with practice heads or field points?
Yes, that's all I use and I practice with both to make sure I am comfortable.