Prepare For Elk Season Now

Prepare For Elk Season Now

Elk season is right around the corner.  Now is a great time to prepare  for hunting season if you have an elk tag in your pocket. Bowhunting elk can be extremely challenging. In fact, killing an elk with a bow  is probably one of the most difficult tags to fill. Below are a few tips to increase your odds of success.

 For starters, having a fine-tuned bow and being able to make long distance shots is crucial. Most whitetail hunters take shots in the 30 yard range. When elk hunting, it isn’t uncommon to take 50 or 60 yard shots in the field and beyond. That means you should practice at an even greater distance. Joel Maxfield from Mathews Archery says bowhunters should always practice at a greater distance than they intend to take in the field. “If an elk hunter wants to be able to successful at making a 60-yard shot in the field, they should probably practice at 80 yards in their backyard,” Maxfield said. “If a bowhunter can keep a paper plate size group at 80 yards, he should be able to make a 60-yard shot in the field.” 

Mark Kayser from Wyoming is a well-known outdoor writer who typically kills multiple bull elk every year. “The key to my success often boils down to pre-season and post-season scouting,” Kayser said. “I spend a lot of time scouting after the season is over to determine where the elk go when the hunting pressure increases. This helps me determine a game plan for the next year when I have an elk tag in my pocket.”

 Another thing Kayser does to increase his odds of success when bowhunting is remain in the best shape he can. “I regularly work out and do a lot of hiking to make sure I am ready for the long days in the field,” Kayser noted. “Hunters who don’t live in the mountains should hike on trails, hike with a backpack, and do whatever they can ahead of season to get their legs and back in shape for hunting in the mountains.”

 "There are a few items I don’t leave home without when I am going on an elk hunt that really help me deal with living in the mountains. I always bring Wilderness Athlete Energy and Focus and Hydrate and Recover drink mixes with me. Staying hydrated in the mountains is something many hunters forget about. These two drinks are packed with vitamins and electrolytes that can help hunters stay mentally and physically able to keep going. Just mix the product with water and you are good to go. Nothing can end an elk hunt quicker than dehydration, leg cramps and altitude sickness. Staying hydrated will help any elk hunter keep going when the going gets tough," Kayser said

 Before leaving on an elk hunt, make sure all your gear is in good shape and ready for the hunt. An old bow string, a worn out pair of boots, a crappy backpack or a variety of other things can make hunting difficult. Planning ahead ensures that the hunt will be enjoyable.

 Elk hunting can be extremely difficult but if a bowhunter shoots all summer, prepares themselves physically and has top notch gear, the odds of filling a tag are much higher.



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