Perfect Practice

Some say practice makes perfect. Others say perfect practice makes perfect. The latter is the saying bowhunters should think about when they step into their backyard to shoot. In the summer, most of us wear shorts and a T-shirt when we let arrows fly. As fall approaches, we do pretty much the same thing except we put on a long sleeve shirt. When shooting in the backyard, very few things go wrong. We know the distance to the target, there aren’t any branches in between ourselves and the target, and of course the target isn’t a living, breathing animal.
To prepare for actual bowhunting, we should strive for perfect practice, we should strive to create realistic shooting situations, and we should even strive to simulate buck fever. I recently interviewed Joel Maxfield from Mathews Archery about creating perfect practice. Maxfield has bowhunted all over the world for a wide variety of species of animals and knows what it takes to shoot straight under pressure. “I suggest bowhunters shoot at 3D targets. Whether it is one they purchased or they visit a local range, being forced to pick a spot routinely will make choosing a spot in the field much easier,” Maxfield said.