The 2021 Mathews flagship bow has hit the market. Bowhunters will be pleased to know Mathews once again pushed the engineering envelope and developed a bow that is smooth, fast, and forgiving. According to Joel Maxfield from Mathews, they did a lot of little things to this new bow that collectively make a big difference in the way it feels and shoots. “I have hunted with this bow all fall and I have killed numerous animals with it,” Maxfield explained. “It has performed flawlessly.”
The new Mathews bow is called the V3 and will surely be a bow bowhunters will fall in love with regardless if they enjoy bowhunting from a ground blind or treestand. The bow is super compact yet shoots like a bow with a much longer axle to axle length. “It wasn’t long ago that everyone wanted a longer axle to axle bow because longer bows are super stable and accurate. The V3 is super stable in the hand, even though it has a short axle to axle length thanks to the new Extended Bridged Riser. The V3 sports the longest riser to axle-to-axle ratio that Mathews has ever built. Because of this unique long riser, the bow is super stable in the hand which means bowhunters get a super accurate shooting bow in a compact package.
Bowhunters will also notice that the Centerguard roller guard is a little different than previous bow models. The new Centerguard system places the roller guard in the true center of the bow, resulting in optimal cam timing and tune-ability. What does this mean for the average bowhunter? A bow that is timed perfectly shoots more accurately.
Mathews has always been known for building bows that are whisper quiet, which is certainly the case with the new V3. The V3 comes with the new Nano 740 Damper that cancels noise and vibration so regardless if a bowhunter is at full draw on the buck of a lifetime or a bull in the backcountry, the shot will be almost silent.
Another thing Mathews strives for is efficiency. They want their bows to be as efficient as possible. An efficient bow stores energy when it is drawn and delivers the energy to the target when shot. The more efficient a bow is, the more of the stored energy gets delivered down range to the target. This year they pushed for more by designing new limbs and limb cups. The all-new deflected limbs and past-parallel geometry, paired with a redesigned limb cup cuts weight while increasing the performance and efficiency of the bow. It is all about the details. Mathews knows how to tweak every little thing in an effort to produce the best bow possible.
Mathews is continuing to offer SwitchWeight technology. In years past, if a bowhunter wanted to go from a 55-pound bow to a 65-pound bow, different bow limbs were needed. This is no longer the case. With Mathews SwitchWeight Technology, shooters can change peak draw length and draw weight in 5-pound increments via the cam’s module instead of changing limbs. Available in 60, 65, 70 and 75-pound peak weights, each set of mods are programmed for an incredibly smooth draw and maximum efficiency. Mods are available in 80% or 85% let-off for further customization.
The new Mathews V3 is sure to be a hit in 2021. The V3 is available in a 27 inch axle-to-axle model and a 31 inch axle-to-axle model. The bow can let an arrow fly at 342 FPS. Stopping an arrow that is going to be this fast can be difficult. No worries; the Morrell Highroller target can stop it regardless if bowhunters are using field tips or broadheads. Check out the target by clicking this link.