Crossbows are more popular than ever. They are easy to shoot, super accurate, and deadly. First time crossbow buyers often hear that crossbows are accurate out to 100 yards and beyond. That is sometimes the case, but not always. Not every person who shoots a crossbow can accurately shoot it at 100 yards or more. Below are a few tips to help crossbow hunters maximize the downrange accuracy of their crossbow.
All crossbow hunters need a stable crossbow shooting rest in the backyard and in the field. One of the biggest challenges that crossbow hunters face is keeping still when shooting. Crossbows are heavy and cumbersome which makes holding them still while shooting difficult. This often robs shooters of downrange accuracy. One of the best crossbow shooting rests available is the Final Rest Shooting System. This portable shooting rest is packable, lightweight, can be attached to most deer blinds or used in ladder stands. Regardless if a hunter uses the Final Rest or some other shooting rest, having a shooting rest when using a crossbow is crucial.
It is important to use a high quality scope. Most crossbows come with a scope but many crossbow packages contain an inexpensive scope. You will never see a sniper use a gun equipped with a cheap scope. If a crossbow hunter wants to be extremely accurate, it is best if they use a high-end scope designed for crossbows. Hawke, Burris, Vortex and Trijicon all offer great crossbow scopes that can split hairs at 100 yards if the crossbow is sighted in properly.
Another item often overlooked by crossbow hunters is their arrows. Many hunters assume that all crossbow arrows are created equal when in fact even a 6 pack of arrows sold together in a box can vary drastically from one another. Often each arrow can weigh less or more than the other arrow in the box. Straightness discrepancies are often common. When shooting at short distances, a group of arrows will likely appear accurate. At long distances of 40 yards and beyond, every little defect in a group of arrows will show itself. If a hunter wants to truly be accurate at long distances, it is best to buy several boxes of arrows and shoot them all repeatedly until the less accurate arrows can be weeded out. One guy who is fanatical about making sure all the arrows in his quiver fly the same is Jeff Budz. Budz has killed multiple turkey grand slams with a crossbow and hunts across North America. “I weigh and spin all my arrows to make sure they fly true,” Budz said. “I even weigh all my broadheads and match them with my arrows. I make sure all my arrows weigh about the same.”
By having a solid rest, a top notch scope and consistent flying arrows, a crossbow hunter can truly drive tacks at extreme ranges. The key to success is eliminating human error and any inconsistencies in the crossbow and its accessories. It is important to note shooting at 100 yards with a crossbow can be fun, but I would never recommend shooting a deer or other wild animal at 100 yards.